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共找到 18 筆符合的資料
清畫院畫十二月月令圖二月 軸
鞭指點,觀賞著景物,真使人為之神往。&*Occupations of the Twelve Months Painters of the Ch’ing Court The 2nd Month.....more
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清周鯤升平萬國圖 卷
, people of all occupations are portrayed as enjoying a happy life. 本幅 31.3x480.5公分、隔水一 32x12.5 公分、隔水二.....more
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清畫院畫十二月月令圖五月 軸
兩岸民家,憑欄觀賞.在炎暑的季節,呼喚起一片熱潮。園中的葵花,榴花,和點岸的蒼蒲,也不甘寂寞而爭奇鬬勝。&*Occupations of the Twelve Months Painters.....more
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清畫院畫十二月月令圖一月 軸
正月。正月十五的元宵夜景,屋中盛張燈彩,室外放著煙火。有的人卻在賞月飲酒,後園裡結架懸掛著彩燈,許多小孩們在燈架下遊戲。上半幅山野之間點綴著提燈的遠景。 &*Occupations.....more
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清畫院畫十二月月令圖八月 軸
, being able to reveal such facets of life in traditional China. Occupations of the Twelve Months.....more
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清畫院畫十二月月令圖七月 軸
,每年祇有在七夕見一次面,而渡過銀河之時,是由無數的鵲群,首尾相啣,連成的「鵲橋」接引。畫中的喜鵲,並不完全是為了點景。&*Occupations of the Twelve Months (7th.....more
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清畫院畫十二月月令圖十一月 軸
霜林之中,有一群人穿著綵衣,籠著野獸,結隊而行,好像是賣解馬戲之類的從業者,趕著集市似的。&*Occupations of the Twelve Months By painters.....more
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清畫院畫十二月月令圖十二月 軸
辛勞的結束,所以都各樂所樂,顯得無比的閒暇。&*Occupations of the Twelve Months (The Twelfth Month) Painters of the Ch’ing.....more
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清畫院畫十二月月令圖九月 軸
。&*Occupations of the Twelve Months: The Ninth Month Anonymous Court Painters Ch’ing Dynasty (1644.....more
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清畫院畫十二月月令圖四月 軸
娘,提著籃子,結伴而行,用袖子遮著雨。「蠶忙」,催促著婦女的腳步,她們都在忽忽的趕著。&*Occupations of the Twelve Months Painters of the Ch’ing.....more
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工作 職能 職能治療 職業復健 Work Occupations Occupational therapy Vocational rehabilitation 國家圖書館 19970900 期刊論文.....more
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Socio-Economic Changes in the ...
Economy: The Influence of Informationalization on Occupations, Employment, and Wage Structure.....more
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代謝症候群 心血管疾病 高風險職業 Metabolic syndrome Cardiovasular diseases High risk occupations 國家圖書館 20100900 期刊.....more
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Human Capital and Structure in...
Determination Process: A Comparison between Occupations 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:國立政治大學社會學報 卷期:32 民91.07 頁次:頁75-113.....more
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Gender Effects on Self- and Pe...
Segregation Occupations 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:文大商管學報 卷期:6:1 民90.06 頁次:頁1-20 A01040087 .....more
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