故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁133 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁277-278&*十二月令圖為清代前期院畫家所繪,無作者署名,共十二幅,內容為宮廷成員在圓明園歡度十二月分節令的情景。 圖畫二月紅白杏花盛開,上為女眷起居處,有的園內盪鞦韆嬉遊、有的室內賞景,前方建築為男仕休閒處,有展卷讀書、有品茗清談,男主人則佇立池畔沉思。庭院一角,茶僮爐前煽火煮茗,另一人則手托察碗,準備奉茶。茶爐上置一紫砂壺,茶盤上則準備帶蓋茶碗。 &*“Second Month” from Activities of the Twelve Months Court Artists Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) This is one of 12 scrolls painted by early Ch’ing court artist. Unsigned, they show court figures in the yüan-ming Garden engaged in various activities associated with each lunar month. In the work for the 2nd month are apricot trees in full bloom. Women reside in the area above. Some are in a garden playing on a swing and others are indoors across the bridge. The area in front is where men are at leisure. Some have opened books for study and others are drinking tea in conversation. The host walks by the water in deep thought. Seen through an opening in a corner, an attendant fans the stove to brew tea as another holds a tray with tea bowls ready. On the stove is a Chai earthenware teapot and tray is ready with covered tea bowls. &*農曆二月,天氣已由酷寒變得稍稍溫暖。所謂「沾衣欲濕杏花雨,吹面不寒楊柳風」,這時園中開滿了杏花,人們也從嚴寒的「蟄伏」,稍稍出來活動了。圖中老老少少,都做著他們樂意做的事情。女孩們在院裡蕩著鞦韆,山野間也佈滿了狩獵的男子。有的攜帶著獵具,有的在馬上揚鞭指點,觀賞著景物,真使人為之神往。&*Occupations of the Twelve Months Painters of the Ch’ing Court The 2nd Month Apricot blossoms fill the picture. People of all ages are busy at their tasks: the old practice calligraphy while the young amuse themselves with lesser occupations. In the ladies’ quarters the occupants are busy with embroidery or playing with the children; others play on the swings. The men go out to hunt in the country. Carrying weapons and gesticulating with their whips, they are obviously making the most of their outing. &*1.吳文彬,〈一年之計在於春 — 十二月令圖中的二月春景〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第48期(1987年3月),頁30-31。 2.陳韻如,〈時間的形狀 — 〈清院畫十二月令圖〉研究〉,《故宮學術季刊》,第二十二卷第四期(2005年夏),頁103-139。