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共找到 3894 筆符合的資料
元人法書 冊 鮮于樞書唐人水簾...
praised, too. This work transcribes in cursive script a poem on Water-screen Cave by a Tang poet.....more
- 800/3894
元人法書 冊 柯九思書題畫跋
by the Tang artist Hu Qian entitled Drawing Water in a Foreign Tribe. These inscriptions were written by Ke.....more
- 801/3894
名畫琳瑯 冊 明陸治雪後訪梅
. The old masters customarily used washes on the sky and water when painting snow scene. By choosing.....more
- 802/3894
集古圖繪 冊 元黃公望磻溪漁隱
appear in the background, the water’s surface suggested by the two skiffs. The composition is similar.....more
- 804/3894
宋元集繪 冊 元朱德潤松澗橫琴
that the sound of the zither complements those of rushing water and wind in the pines. The scene shown here.....more
- 805/3894
明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...
fledglings play to the left and right. A decorative rock stands in the water along with rushes and duckweed.....more
- 806/3894
明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...
elements (earth, water, fire, wind, space, sight and perception). Wu Pin's album of the twenty-five.....more
- 807/3894
明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...
a white robe. Seated cross-legged facing the water, bamboo trees are shown growing on the slope behind.....more
- 808/3894
明項聖謨山水小景 軸
leaf, a rocky slope and temple fill one corner as meandering shoals criss-cross an expanse of water.....more
- 809/3894
清王翬畫水村春曉 軸
,池邊簡易的闌干,通往靜的草堂,平坡上一座茅房,修篁搖映在旁,柳樹繞著外圍,全幅墨韻極佳,畫面一片濕潤,用以表現春日翠色,極為恰當。 &*At the water’s edge lies.....more
- 810/3894