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共找到 3894 筆符合的資料
元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷
twist and turn. Attention is also place on the texture of the bark. Pale washes for the background water.....more
- 871/3894
Sultan Road Medium: Water-Colour Price: $2,500」。 材質:紙 詮釋說明:此畫作為新加坡總理吳作棟贈予李登輝總統的禮品。畫家Tan Leong Kheng(陳隆慶.....more
- 872/3894
另行附送,資源委員會駐華盛頓技術團主任{#王守競#}電報雲南錫礦所購電廠設備四套經函華府當局已允勿移用且可於一個月內運印惟查CIRULATNG WATER PUMP雖經世界公司訂購至早須於四月始能交貨.....more
- 873/3894
:Formosan Grass Lizard 第一級行政分區中文名(省/府/州):台灣 第二級行政分區中文名(縣/市):南投縣 地名中文名:霧社 地名英文名:Wushe.Sament water pool. 經度.....more
- 875/3894
元王蒙東山草堂圖 軸
separated by water and in front of towering mountains with the terrain modeling, arrangement of buildings.....more
- 876/3894
元李士行江鄉秋晚 卷
and slopes, including clusters of "moss" dots. The upward tilt of the surface of the water.....more
- 878/3894
宋人畫司馬光獨樂園圖 卷
, a water porch, a fishing platform, a studio with bamboo, a garden of medicine, a pavilion of flowers.....more
- 879/3894
元盛懋松壑雲泉圖 軸
. Accompanied by the sound of the wind soughing through the pines and water gurgling in the stream to the lower.....more
- 880/3894
明吳偉畫北海真人像 軸
on the back of a supernatural turtle above the water. Spirited and free, the rendering of the figure.....more
- 885/3894