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共找到 3894 筆符合的資料
清嚴宏滋白描羅漢 卷
“Ts’ao Clothing Coming out of Water” method as described in old painting manuals. The tone.....more
- 856/3894
明文徵明絕壑高閒 軸
by precipitous cliffs that tower out of the scroll. Listening to the sound of the water falling.....more
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清惲壽平寫生花卉 冊 洛浦仙裳
to personify this deity. The lotus, also known in Chinese as “water hibiscus,” is likewise.....more
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歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款柳塘釣隱
. The pavilion on the water is presently unoccupied, but from the thicket emerges a boater just now.....more
- 860/3894
菊池氏細鯽(Aphyocypris kikuchi...
of the fresh water fishes of the island of Formosa. Ann. Carnegie Mus. v. 12 (nos. 2-4.....more
- 861/3894
元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷
twist and turn. Attention is also place on the texture of the bark. Pale washes for the background water.....more
- 862/3894
宋緙絲喜報生孫圖 軸
for the background, flowers, water ripples, and abdomens of the birds, but also hemp-like fibers that enhance.....more
- 863/3894
清高其佩江山春靄 軸
are traversing the mountain paths. The water-swelled streams and the luxuriant growth on the mountains.....more
- 864/3894
Muldoon(穆爾頓)、木村俊夫、John Malcolm Fraser(佛萊塞)、園田直、田中龍夫、Hussein Onn(胡申翁)、Barry Gold Water(高華德) 地名資訊:莫爾茲比港(巴布亞紐.....more
- 865/3894
Water Snake 網址:自然與人文數位博物館 英文國名:CHINA 第一級行政分區中文名(省/府/州):安徽 第二級行政分區中文名(縣/市):休寧縣 地名中文名:休寧領南 地名英文名.....more
- 866/3894
) 英文名:Asiatic White-belly Water Snake 網址:自然與人文數位博物館 英文國名:CHINA 第一級行政分區中文名(省/府/州):台灣 第二級行政分區中文名(縣/市.....more
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:Asiatic White-belly Water Snake 網址:自然與人文數位博物館 英文國名:CHINA 第一級行政分區中文名(省/府/州):安徽 第二級行政分區中文名(縣/市):休寧縣 地名中文.....more
- 868/3894
:Striped Water Snake 網址:自然與人文數位博物館 英文國名:CHINA 第一級行政分區中文名(省/府/州):台灣 第二級行政分區中文名(縣/市):臺中市 地名中文名:國立自然科學博物館 地名.....more
- 869/3894
菊池氏細鯽(Aphyocypris kikuchi...
of the fresh water fishes of the island of Formosa. Ann. Carnegie Mus. v. 12 (nos. 2-4.....more
- 870/3894