搜尋:strokes 在 書畫 分類當中


宋夏珪歸棹圖 軸

宋夏珪歸棹圖 軸

. In his painting of figures and landscapes, the gradations of ink tone and hoary brush strokes give one.....more

明文徵明書太上常清靜經 冊

明文徵明書太上常清靜經 冊

beginning and ending strokes. This work was done at 40 and already reveals the ease and spirit within its.....more

明王寵摹東方朔像贊 冊

明王寵摹東方朔像贊 冊

-cursive, but more importantly opened up the structure. Blank areas in transitional strokes create.....more

清董邦達仿倪瓚?林含秀 軸

清董邦達仿倪瓚?林含秀 軸

a dry brush and describing rocks and mountains with dry and withered texture strokes. The range.....more

明欽揖千巖萬壑圖 軸

明欽揖千巖萬壑圖 軸

clouds. Although the composition is crowded, the artist used light ink and trembling texture strokes.....more

清程志道眉香萬年 冊

清程志道眉香萬年 冊

works are most distinctive and his use of the brush is very precise and meticulous. The ts’un strokes.....more

宋李唐炙艾圖 軸

宋李唐炙艾圖 軸

rendered using a centered brush to make fine yet powerful strokes in a technique known as “nail-head.....more

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清王翬仿李咸熙群峰霽雪

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清王翬...

done in hemp-fiber texture strokes to suggest softness. The upper parts of the hills are slightly.....more

宋蘇軾尺牘 軸

宋蘇軾尺牘 軸

, the quality of the lines also richer. The concealed tip of the rounded first strokes of the brush.....more

清徐揚繪鵝子圖御題 軸

清徐揚繪鵝子圖御題 軸

楊柳 庭院 欄杆 文房用具 傢俱(屏風) 池水 水榭 竹 鵝 文玩(琴棋書畫) 柏 溪澗、湍泉 高士(士人、隱士) 侍從(侍女、童僕) 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2448&*.....more

宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊

宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊

. Throughout, big axe-cut texture strokes are employed to model the mountains and rocks, while layers of wash.....more

元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

long, intertwined hemp fiber strokes that cross and form a texture like that of a net, which is much.....more

宋錢選煙江待渡圖 卷

宋錢選煙江待渡圖 卷

and level slopes are depicted mostly with angular texture strokes using a stiff, awkward.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋李唐大江浮玉

集古名繪 冊 宋李唐大江浮玉

painter famous for axe-cut texture strokes.& 大江之中,波濤洶湧。近處作船埠,兩人相將上船,江船兩艘聯泊於此。稍右高起.....more

明唐寅層巖策杖圖 軸

明唐寅層巖策杖圖 軸

been rendered with forceful and succinct axe-cut strokes that clearly define the features. &*  唐寅(西元一.....more


strokes 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋