搜尋:strokes 在 書畫 分類當中


明袁尚統歲朝圖 軸

明袁尚統歲朝圖 軸

. The figures are drawn in a very refined style and the long vertical texture strokes.....more

明王問畫山水 軸

明王問畫山水 軸

differentiation between the texture strokes. The same goes for the dotting of the leaves. This patterned.....more

明吳彬畫羅漢 軸

明吳彬畫羅漢 軸

exceptionally refined strokes (more so than in Wu’s other works) and elegant coloring. A sense of mystery.....more

明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸

明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸

, dry brushwork, and texture strokes enhance the sense of elegance here. The coloring is subtle.....more

明呂紀畫鴛鴦 軸

明呂紀畫鴛鴦 軸

brushwork, the various endings of strokes are over-emphasized in this painting. Although the scenery.....more

明文徵明空林覓句圖 軸

明文徵明空林覓句圖 軸

, the painting embodying the couplet by Chia Tao, “Peacefully humming a phrase, he strokes the stands of his.....more

宋劉松年畫瑤池獻壽圖 軸

宋劉松年畫瑤池獻壽圖 軸

and the pines grand. The earthen slopes are done in formulaic axe-cut texture strokes, and the coloring.....more

明唐寅杏花 軸

明唐寅杏花 軸

of brushstrokes and ink tones. Rough texture strokes give the trunk volume. Rich ink is employed.....more

明鄭石畫芙蓉白鷺 軸

明鄭石畫芙蓉白鷺 軸

on the brush tip in the strokes is overly obvious. This type of abbreviated and coarse brushwork is much more.....more

元王蒙會阮圖 卷

元王蒙會阮圖 卷

strokes and moss dots in dense, complex compositions that nevertheless sacrificed nothing in terms.....more

元朱德潤?嵐秋澗 軸

元朱德潤?嵐秋澗 軸

n the depiction of mountain rocks, wash is employed instead of texture trokes, and "crab leg" brush strokes.....more

明陸治春山溪閣圖 軸

明陸治春山溪閣圖 軸

modeled with an oblique stroke resembling Ni Tsan’s (1301-1374) horizontal texture strokes. Mineral greens.....more

元王蒙松山書屋 軸

元王蒙松山書屋 軸

are multiple ridges of piled mountains using the method of fine, dry "ox–hair" texture strokes.....more

明張宏畫山水 軸

明張宏畫山水 軸

. Instead, he combined dots and short strokes to produce a feeling of rhythmic movement.....more

明董其昌仿米瀟湘白雲 軸

明董其昌仿米瀟湘白雲 軸

of brushwork throughout the painting is dense, rich, and moist. Both the texture strokes for the mountains.....more


strokes 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋