搜尋:ink 在 書畫 分類當中


清賈全畫詠梅圖 軸

清賈全畫詠梅圖 軸

the surfaces of trees and rocks. He made little use of ink wash to produce the strong contrast.....more

清唐岱倣王蒙山水 軸

清唐岱倣王蒙山水 軸

brushwork and ink are tightly –packed, lending a sense of vigour and elegance to the work while.....more

明董其昌倣張僧繇白雲紅樹 卷

明董其昌倣張僧繇白雲紅樹 卷

with burnt umber, rouge, vermilion, and translucent green interspersed with ochre ink. The brushwork.....more

清陳書仿王蒙夏日山居圖 軸

清陳書仿王蒙夏日山居圖 軸

with the Wang Meng tradition, but also uses a number of dots as well. The ink is applied lightly so.....more

清王翬蛟門曉發圖 軸

清王翬蛟門曉發圖 軸

setting forth on the seas. Wang Hui has utilized brush and ink of the southern painting school.....more

清徐揚仿貫休畫羅漢 軸

清徐揚仿貫休畫羅漢 軸

was a specialist in landscape painting and also excelled at depicting plum blossoms in monochrome ink.....more

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

and slanted ink dots to the outlines of the mountains to suggest abundant forests and grass. He often used.....more

清王武書畫合璧 軸

清王武書畫合璧 軸

之。 本幅繪二色牡丹婷立,一盛綻,一含苞。筆調寫意,賦色雅淡,雖屬富貴之體,然亦自具高潔之文人氣息。 &* This colored ink painting depicts two graceful.....more

宋李公麟萬國職貢圖 卷

宋李公麟萬國職貢圖 卷

Shenzong, at first he achieved fame painting horses but later for baimiao (ink outline) figures.....more

清沈源清明上河圖 卷

清沈源清明上河圖 卷

in terms of composition, except that he has primarily used monochrome ink, only using umber.....more

宋人畫童真像 軸

宋人畫童真像 軸

,據此則知本幅所繪實即文殊師利像也。&*This painting, done in brush and ink with a slight touch of clear colour.....more

清董邦達仿倪瓚?林含秀 軸

清董邦達仿倪瓚?林含秀 軸

of his ink gradations was extremely full and he was very able to express the dense and substantial.....more

清鄒一桂秋塘釣艇圖 軸

清鄒一桂秋塘釣艇圖 軸

and the various branches and trunks on the near side. The use of varying shades of ink to create.....more

明欽揖千巖萬壑圖 軸

明欽揖千巖萬壑圖 軸

clouds. Although the composition is crowded, the artist used light ink and trembling texture strokes.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清瑛寶畫荷

藝林清賞 冊 清瑛寶畫荷

is a depiction of a pond in one corner with withering autumn lotuses and leaves. Light ink and colors.....more


ink 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋