石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁787&故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁49&故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁13-20&沈源,乾隆時(西元一七三六-一七九五年)供奉內廷,善畫佛像,並工山水界畫。 沈源「清明上河圖」的構圖,與清院本「清明上河圖」幾乎相同,但以水墨為主,在用色方面,更只用赭色稍加鉤染,自有一番清新雅淡的韻味。用筆熟練,界畫橋樑、屋宇、人物皆極為精細工整,亦清畫院中之佳作。&Shen Yuan, a painter in the Imperial Academy of the Ch’ien-lung emperor (r. 1736-1795), excelled in painting Buddhist figures and was also skilled in landscape painting and architectural paintings in the ruled-line method (chieh-hua). Shen Yuan’s version of Along the River During the Ch’ing Ming Festival Season remarkably resembles the Ch’ing academy scroll in terms of composition, except that he has primarily used monochrome ink, only using umber for outlines. Through this, he has created a refreshing effect of elegance and grace. His brushwork is highly practiced, and the bridges and buildings depicted in the ruled-line method as well as the figures are all executed in great detail. This represents a fine example of court painting from the Ch’ing dynasty.