搜尋:ink 在 書畫 分類當中


明宣宗花鳥 卷

明宣宗花鳥 卷

.” In monochrome ink, it depicts flowers by a stony brook with a pair of sparrows. The reverse halo method.....more

明董其昌倣黃公望山水 卷

明董其昌倣黃公望山水 卷

and ink in the painting features an interaction of dry and moist brushwork that naturally matches.....more

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊 竹籬壓雪

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊 竹籬壓雪

are moored near the shore. Brushwork is refined and elegant, the ink tones producing interesting.....more

明陳栝四時花卉 冊 梅

明陳栝四時花卉 冊 梅

by his father. Ch’en Kua’s brush is strong but fleet, his monochrome ink rich and wet, conveying.....more

明卞文瑜摹古山水 冊 倣子久筆法

明卞文瑜摹古山水 冊 倣子久筆...

with dry brushwork and some ink wash, giving the painting a pure and elegant manner. (20110609) 本幅 30.....more

明鄭重十八應真像 冊 應真像(九)

明鄭重十八應真像 冊 應真像(...

the Subduing-Dragons Lohan. The drapery lines are fluently and assuredly handled.The spread of ink.....more

清王翬圖繪 冊 大癡道人倣北苑夏山圖

清王翬圖繪 冊 大癡道人倣北苑...

-fiber texturing and moist ink as well as washes of ochre that expertly grasp the spirited brushwork.....more

名畫薈萃 冊 元黃公望山水

名畫薈萃 冊 元黃公望山水

intersect. With the moss dots in dark ink embellished as trees, it is similar to the landscape method.....more

集珍壽古 冊 元王振鵬飛閣觀潮

集珍壽古 冊 元王振鵬飛閣觀潮

(ruled line) paintings, and gave him the sobriquet Ku-yun ch'u-shih. In his use of brush and ink.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

, and is known as one of the “nine friends of painting.” Li Liu-fang has used varied ink tonalities.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明項聖謨梅花

花卉畫冊 冊 明項聖謨梅花

in the work using only red ink is a bifurcating plum branch. The plum blossom petals were executed.....more

五代南唐巨然寒林晚岫圖 軸

五代南唐巨然寒林晚岫圖 軸

江河、湖海 寒林.枯樹 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1916&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁25-26&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁97-98&*1.傅申,〈巨然存世畫蹟之比較.....more

元趙孟頫留犢圖 卷

元趙孟頫留犢圖 卷

to bid him farewell. At the end to the left is a signature of Chao Meng-fu. The brush and ink differ.....more

宋郭熙秋山行旅圖 軸

宋郭熙秋山行旅圖 軸

scenery. Furthermore, the compositional arrangement as well as the use of brush and ink in this work.....more

清戴洪畫齡壽萬年 冊 綿雉老梅

清戴洪畫齡壽萬年 冊 綿雉老梅

“The City of Cathay” and thereby gained fame. Whether he used rounded brushstrokes in outline or ink.....more


ink 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋