簡介:" Quedius wuh in all external character states very similar to Q. shan and different only by differently developed sublateral rows on pronotum, and by character states of aedoeagus. Sublateral rows on pronotum each with two punctures, posterior puncture situated well before level of large lateral puncture. Both specimens of the original series were taken by sifting moss, old vegetation and other debris around a seepage area in an Abies kawakamii (Hay.) Ito forest. So far, there is only one reference describing this species. The description based on the original description of Smetana (1995). Quedius wuh的外部形態特徵與Q. shan很像,不同處為Q. wuh前胸背板發達的亞外緣列,與陰莖的特徵。其前胸背板的亞外緣列各具有兩個刺,後方的刺位於大的側刺水平面前方。本種於台灣冷杉Abies kawakamii (Hay.) Ito森林滲流處,以篩檢苔蘚、老的植物和其他腐質方式取得標本。截至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以Smetana (1995) 所發表之原始文獻為主。"