簡介:"Quedius fangi 一般體色為亮黑色,頭部黑色,前翅亮黑棕色至黑色,肩區色較淺,觸角紅棕色,向末端顏色漸深。其體型較大,前翅具皺紋般的刻點,腹部背板刻點密度適中。Q. fangi 發現於南湖山、阿里山及太平山山區,本種藉由篩檢枯枝落葉底層或其他腐屑而得到標本。截至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以 Smetana (1995) 所發表之原始文獻為主。Quedius fangi may easily be recognized by the combination of the following character states: large size, coloration, flat elytra with rugose punctation, moderately dense punctation of abdominal tergites. Q. fangi is at present known from the mountain ranges Nanhushan and Alishan in central Taiwan and from Taipingshan in northern Taiwan. Specimens of the original series were taken by sifting wet bottom layers of fallen leaves accumulated along large rocks on gravel banks of the Nanhu river, and by sifting similar fallen leaves accumulations and other debris along the edges of a creek in Taipingshan. So far, there is only one reference. The description based on the original description of Smetana (1995). "