簡介:" General color of Quedius shan testaceous, rufo-testaceous to testaceo-brunneous, head with variably developed, piceous to piceous-black spot on about hind two thirds, leaving usually stripe along eyes and tempora pale, disc of pronotum variably, indefinitely darkened,sometimes entire pronotum dark, dark brunneous to brunneo-piceous, except for narrowly paler margins; abdomen markedly iridescent; appendages testaceous to brunneo-testaceous, medial faces of all tibiae darkened, darkening sometimes missing on front tibiae. Q. shan may be easily distinguished from Q. chang, in addition to the characcter states of the aedeagus, by the presence of the micropunctulation on the elytral surface between the punctures, and from Q. meei, in addition to the character states of the aedeagus, by the lack of distinct colour pattern on the head and pronotum, and by the sparser punctation of the abdominal tergites. This species occurs in montane forest habitats from about 2100 m to slightly over 3000 m. Specimens were collected in evergreen broad-leaved forests, or in mixed broad-leaved and coniferous forests, by sifting moss, leaf litter and other forest floor debris, often near small creeks or on forest seepages. So far, there is only one reference describing this species. The description based on the original description of Smetana (1995).Quedius shan 體色從磚紅色至磚紅棕色,頭亮黑色至在後端三分之二處具亮黑色斑點,使複眼旁之條紋和上頰色淺,前胸背板有些區域變暗,有時全部暗色,從暗棕色至亮棕黑色,但邊緣除外,色較淺。腹部明顯具彩虹色彩,附器磚紅色至棕磚紅色,所有脛節中央色暗,但有時前足脛節色較淺。Q. shan 與Q. chang 的差別除了陰莖構造外,還有前翅表面點刻間具微點刻,而與Q. meei不同處除了陰莖構造外,在於頭部與胸部顏色型式不明顯,且腹部背板上的點刻較稀疏。本種發生於2100公尺至略超過3000公尺山區的森林環境中,可於常綠闊葉林中或闊葉林與針葉林之混生林中,在接近小溪或森林滲流處,以篩檢苔蘚、枯枝落葉和其他森林地表腐質方式取得標本。截至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以Smetana (1995) 所發表之原始文獻為主。"