簡介:"Quedies kuay 體色為亮黑色至黑色,腹部呈彩虹光澤;小顎鬚和下唇鬚紅棕色,觸角亮黑色,第三節紅棕色。足棕色,基節與腿節腹面與脛節中央平面變黑,在某些標本幾乎為黑色。Q. kuay 可由陰莖特徵,體型較大,前翅長度中度,前翅與腹部背板上有很密集之點刻,第七節背板柵狀邊緣有白色端縫等特徵,很容易與臺灣其他物種區分。本種發生於2500公尺之中海拔山區,標本可於果園之枯枝落葉中篩檢而得,或篩檢森林的樹木殘株周圍腐質和農田石下之各種腐質而取得標本。馬氏網中也曾經有採集到本種標本之記錄。截至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以Smetana (1995) 所發表之原始文獻為主。General color of Quedies kuay piceous-black to black, abdomen iridescent; maxillary and labial palpi brunneo-testaceous, antennae piceous with first three segments brunneo-testaceous. legs brunneous, coxae, ventral faces of femora and medial faces of tibiae darkened, almost black in some specimens. Quedies kuay may easily be recognized among the Taiwanese species, in addition to the character states on the aedeagus, by the large size, the moderately long elytra, the dense punctation of the elytra and the abdominal tergites, and by the presence of the whitish apical seam of the palisade fringe on the seventh abdominal tergite. Quedius kuay occurs at middle mountain elevations, up to about 2500 m. Specimens were collected under leaf litter in an orchard (Lishan), by sifting various debris around tree stumps on a forest clearing (Tengchin) and under rock in agricultural land (Wulin). Two specimens were taken from Malaise traps. So far, there is only one reference describing this species. The description based on the original description of Smetana (1995)."