簡介:"Quedius tarng in all character states quite similar to Q. maculiventris, but different as follows: size in general somewhat smaller, form narrower. Head in general slightly smaller and less appreciably wider than long . Antenna somewhat shorter, outer segments as long as to slightly wider than long. Pronotum usually slightly narrower and less narrower anteriad. Elytra shorter, at suture about as long as, at sides slightly longer than pronotum at midline; punctation less dense, most punctures not touching each other along transverse axis. Punctation of abdominal tergites sparser, leaving distinct areas along apex impunctate. Q. tarng occurs in some habitats together with Q. maculiventris. Since these two species are quite similar to each other, a very careful screening of specimens, possible based on the shape of the aedeagus, is necessary for reliable identification. Most specimens of Q. tarng were collected in forest habitats at lower and middle elevations, from about 1100 m to about 2700 m, rarely slightly over 3000 m. Most specimens were taken in mixed coniferous and broad-leaved, rarely strictly coniferous, forests in moist to wet moss in seepages and around creeks, or by sifting various forest floor debris. So far, there is only one reference describing this species. The description based on the original description of Smetana (1995).Quedius tarng在特徵上與Q. maculiventris相當類似,而差異如下:Q. tarng 體型較小且較窄。頭部一般較小且寬略大於長。觸角較短,外面各節寬略大於長。前胸背板常略較窄或不向前方變窄。前翅較短,略長於背胸背板中線,點刻較不濃密,在橫軸上多數點刻不與其他點刻接觸。腹部背板點刻較稀疏,末端有明顯區域不具點刻。Q. tarng 常與Q. maculiventris 在某些棲所環境可同時發現,因此二種相當類似,所以在鑑定上最好能檢查生殖器構造,以確認種類。本種之棲所環境可從海拔高度1100公尺至2700公尺。標本發現於針葉林和闊葉林混生森林內小溪邊水滲流處之潮濕苔蘚中,或各種地面腐質中。截至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以Smetana (1995) 所發表之原始文獻為主。"