簡介:" Quedius chang Smetana, 1995體色為亮黑棕色至亮黑色,頭楯、前翅、前胸背板邊緣顏色及腹部末端顏色較淺,觸角紅棕色。此種棲息於中海拔山區之常綠闊葉林的地面枯枝落葉層中,與類似種類差別在於前翅表面刻點間不再具任何的微小突起。截至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以Smetana (1995) 所發表之原始文獻為主。General color of Quedius chang Smetana piceous-brown to piceous, head piceous-black to black with clypeus paler, elytra brownish, margins of pronotum usually indefinitely paler, apical margins of abdominal tergites and apex of abdomen more or less paler; usually indefinitely darkened toward apex. Q. chang occurs in forest habitats at middle mountain elevations. Specimens were taken mostly in broad-leaved evergreen forests either by sifting forest floor litter, particularly around fallen trees, or from pitfall traps. So far, there is only one reference. The description based on the original description of Smetana (1995)."