簡介:"Quedies (Raphirus) goang in all character states similar to Q. perng, but different as follows: medial faces of hind tibiae always darkened. Head more distinctly wider than long. Q. goang occurs in forest habitats at high mountain elevations from about 2800 to almost 3200 m. Specimens were collected in coniferous forests by sifting moss, rotting bark and wood, and various other forest floor debris. In Houhuanshan and in Nenkaoshan, it occurs in these habitats together with Q. meng. So far, there is only one reference describing this species. The description based on the original description of Smetana (1995).Quedies (Raphirus) goang 整體特徵與Q. perng 非常類似,但差別如下:後足脛節中央平面通常顏色較暗。頭很明顯地寬度寬於長度。Q. goang 發生於2800公尺至約3200公尺的高海拔森林環境中,可於針葉林中篩檢苔蘚、腐爛樹皮和木頭及其他各種地表腐質中取得標本。在合歡山和能高山本種與Q. meng. 棲所環境重疊。截至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以Smetana (1995) 所發表之原始文獻為主。"