簡介:" Bryaxis alishanus 體色為紅棕色,跗節,觸角端部和小顎鬚顏色略淺。雄蟲前足脛節具明顯之亞端齒。陰莖之陰莖側突向端部變寬,缺乏背瓣。本種之棲息環境至今仍未知。至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以Löbl 和Kurbatov (1996) 所發表之原始文獻為主。 General color of Bryaxis alishanus is reddish-brown, tarsi, apical antennal segments and maxillary palps slightly lighter. Male protibia with distinct subapical denticle. Aedeagus with parameres parameres widened apically, lacking dorsal lobe. The habitat of this species is still unknown. So far, there is only one reference. The decription based on the original description of Löbl and Kurbatov (1996)."