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共找到 3894 筆符合的資料
明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...
was painted on gold paper which does not absorb water, and the colors were applied with a brush. Because.....more
- 901/3894
清陳書看雲對瀑圖 軸
cottage looking up at the ever-changing water and clouds. Although the brushwork in this painting.....more
- 905/3894
唐太宗立像(二) 軸
world, Emperor T'ai-tsung held rites for the release of land and water spirits that had been wronged.....more
- 907/3894
left. Tigers lie at his feet. On a rock, an animal-shaped weight spurts out water which transforms.....more
- 908/3894
名繪集珍 冊 宋李唐仙巖采藥
, water, and path, create for a dark and mysterious atmosphere for the setting.&*李唐字晞古,河陽(今河南孟縣)人。徽宗.....more
- 909/3894
清李培雨畫牡丹 冊 牡丹(四)
with traditional "boneless" washes and "sketching ideas" techniques, cleverly using water in the tip.....more
- 910/3894
科中文名:舌鰨科 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 Lee MY, Chen HM, Shao KT (2009) A New Species of Deep-Water Tonguefish.....more
- 911/3894
明人便面畫冊(一) 冊 明文伯...
in clouds and mists while the land on either side of the river slopes gently down to the water.....more
- 912/3894
明仇英畫園居圖王寵題 卷
facing one another in a small thatched garden dwelling, while two servants boil water for tea and another.....more
- 915/3894