故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁176&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁201-202&* 嚴宏滋(活動於西元一七三六至一七九五年),字丕緒,江蘇江陰人。 本卷畫十八羅漢,或持法器,或施法力,或相顧言笑,或怡然自得,各具表情。群像布置,左右各一組,復雜以高低錯落,以見其變化之妙。畫法為典型白描法。衣紋描法分二主要類別:一為下筆略重,但整體尚勻整;另一為一起一伏,粗細分明,線條密集有如畫譜所謂曹衣出水描。整幅筆調及氣質,頗覺清雅可愛。畫成於乾隆庚辰(西元一七六○)年。 &*Lohan Yen Hung-tzu (fl. 1736-1795) Ch’ing Dynasty Yen Hung-tzu (style name; P’i-hsü) was a native Chiang-yin, Kiangsu. This is a handscroll painting of eighteen lohans. With many different forms of expression, some of the lohans hold ritual implements, perform supernatural feats, laugh as they speak to each other, and appear happy and contented. In the figural composition, the lohans can be divided into left and right groups. Even though the composition appears complicated, it is ordered through the alternating arrangement of upper and lower figural groups. The painting method involved is the typical pai-miao (plain-line) technique. The method of outlining the drapery patterns can be divided into two major types. One involves brushwork which is slightly heavy, but nonetheless even. The other involves undulating rough and fine lines. The lines clustered together appear like the so-called “Ts’ao Clothing Coming out of Water” method as described in old painting manuals. The tone of brushwork and disposition to the whole painting makes one feel that the work is elegant and attractive. This painting is dated to 1760. &*1.李玉珉,〈清嚴宏滋白描羅漢〉,收入李玉珉主編,《羅漢畫》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1990年初版),頁86-87。