搜尋:walks 在 繪畫 分類當中


清張鎬畫連昌宮圖 軸

清張鎬畫連昌宮圖 軸

. Outside the palace walls, an old man walks slowly across a bridge. He seems to think about the Lien-ch.....more

明唐寅倣唐人仕女 軸

明唐寅倣唐人仕女 軸

the line that made Li famous; “…a peony blossom who walks along.” The line and image here thus seem.....more

宋燕肅寒巖積雪 軸

宋燕肅寒巖積雪 軸

cliffs in this painting. A figure holding a staff walks alone on a bridge. The painting has been.....more

明蔣嵩歸漁圖 軸

明蔣嵩歸漁圖 軸

are placid as a fisherman shoulders his gear and walks home along a path in the lower right corner.....more

明王問畫山水 軸

明王問畫山水 軸

in thatched cottages as a man walks over a bridge in the lower right corner. The outlines.....more

元曹知白貞松白雪軒圖 軸

元曹知白貞松白雪軒圖 軸

with almost audible gurgling. By the window of the hut is a figure gazing up attentively. A crane walks.....more

明錢穀畫鍾馗 軸

明錢穀畫鍾馗 軸

; here he walks alone in a wintry forest, holding a tablet. 本幅 105.9x30.9公分、全幅 58公分 明穆宗隆慶一年(1567) 類型:繪.....more

集古圖繪 冊 明唐寅秋山

集古圖繪 冊 明唐寅秋山

carries his nets as he walks along the riverbank. The leaves on several trees have turned red evoking.....more

宋許道寧雪溪漁父 軸

宋許道寧雪溪漁父 軸

walks of life. He later once made a trip to Mount T’ai-hua and, thereafter, primarily indulged.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋王詵傑閣媐春

集古名繪 冊 宋王詵傑閣媐春

and gaze into the distance. Below, a woman followed by a servant walks through the arcade. The figures.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋王詵傑閣媐春

集古名繪 冊 宋王詵傑閣媐春

and gaze into the distance. Below, a woman followed by a servant walks through the arcade. The figures.....more

元盛懋松壑雲泉圖 軸

元盛懋松壑雲泉圖 軸

. On a mountain path above, a person walks holding a staff, while another lifts his burden to proceed.....more

清畫院畫十二月月令圖二月 軸

清畫院畫十二月月令圖二月 軸

tea in conversation. The host walks by the water in deep thought. Seen through an opening.....more

名畫琳瑯 冊 宋梁楷潑墨仙人

名畫琳瑯 冊 宋梁楷潑墨仙人

from the album "Assorted Gems of Famous Paintings," is a squinting immortal chuckling as he walks.....more

清王鑑倣趙孟頫茂林蕭寺圖 軸

清王鑑倣趙孟頫茂林蕭寺圖 軸

winds through mountains as a lofty scholar walks with a staff. In the rocky opening is a Buddhist.....more

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