搜尋:People 在 繪畫 分類當中


明宣宗畫壽星 軸

明宣宗畫壽星 軸

Elder of the Southern Polar Star, to whom people pray for happiness and longevity (and also known.....more

清錫林畫雪景人物事蹟高宗御題 軸

清錫林畫雪景人物事蹟高宗御題 ...

tour after a blizzard. He saw people clearing away the snow on the road and beggars, but only.....more

元倪瓚溪亭山色圖 軸

元倪瓚溪亭山色圖 軸

devoid of people are all features associated with Ni Tsan’s style. However, the texture strokes.....more

元趙孟頫萬柳堂圖 軸

元趙孟頫萬柳堂圖 軸

depictions of people and horses. Amounted gentleman who has come visiting stands waiting on a terrace.....more

宋人畫問喘圖 卷

宋人畫問喘圖 卷

that one spring day, Ping Chi (d.55 BC), a high official of the Han, came across people lying dead.....more

元俞和書陶潛詩(二) 冊

元俞和書陶潛詩(二) 冊

people often changed the signature on Yu's works to that of Chao. This work is divided into two.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清偉元布袋和尚

藝林清賞 冊 清偉元布袋和尚

figure, he often travelled to the city carrying a cloth bag on a pole to beg to beg for alms. People.....more

唐搨顏真卿麻姑仙壇記 卷

唐搨顏真卿麻姑仙壇記 卷

- and small-character versions of Yan Zhenqing’s calligraphy exist, people usually accept the large ones.....more

清周鯤升平萬國圖 卷

清周鯤升平萬國圖 卷

, people of all occupations are portrayed as enjoying a happy life. 本幅 31.3x480.5公分、隔水一 32x12.5 公分、隔水.....more

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 普賢萬行

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 普賢萬行

is the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra. Samantabhadra exhorts people to propagate the teachings of the Lotus Sūtra.....more

清無款妙法蓮華經(六) 冊

清無款妙法蓮華經(六) 冊

behavior caused people to beat and chase him (Chapter 20). The receiving of the Lotus Sūtra is like a poor.....more

宋人松亭撫琴 軸

宋人松亭撫琴 軸

, and even the people is rather wild and totally unlike the careful, controlled brushwork of Sung artists.....more

元盛懋袁安臥雪圖 軸

元盛懋袁安臥雪圖 軸

asked why he had not gone out, he answered, "I did not wish to burden the people even more during.....more

元趙孟頫湯王徵尹圖 軸

元趙孟頫湯王徵尹圖 軸

the fields but was renowned in the land as a sage of great talent. The king sent people several times.....more

元趙孟頫鮮于樞墨蹟合冊 冊 元鮮于樞論張旭懷素高閑草書

元趙孟頫鮮于樞墨蹟合冊 冊 元...

. Exerting my utmost effort, I still could not catch up with him. Alas, he is now no more. And people today.....more

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