盛京故宮書畫錄(卷五),頁96 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁177 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁41-42&*夏朝末年,意欲討伐夏桀的商湯,苦無賢士協助。他聽說當時莘國伊尹,雖然以農耕為生,但賢名遠播,非常有才能,因此數次請人前往徵聘。伊尹最後終於答應了,並在政治和軍事上輔佐湯王,成功地建立商朝。 圖上有元代趙孟頫(一二五四-一三二二)的款識,不過由人物樹石細膩多彩的敷色方式及格套式的構圖來看,應為十七世紀的擬古之作。 &*In the late Hsia dynasty, King T'ang of the Shang wanted to send a punitive expedition against the Hsia king Chieh, but was lacking the assistance of a sage. He heard of I-yin in the state of Hsin, who tilled the fields but was renowned in the land as a sage of great talent. The king sent people several times to ask him to be his assistant. I-yin finally consented, serving in political and military matters as assistant and successfully helping to establish the Shang dynasty. This work has a purported signature of Chao Meng-fu, but the fine and colorful rendering of the figures, trees, and rocks as well as the regulated manner of the composition indicate it is probably an antiquarian work of the 17th century.