搜尋:brushwork 在 書畫 分類當中


宋元集繪 冊 無款秋林策蹇

宋元集繪 冊 無款秋林策蹇

to be similar to those of the Southern Sung artist Ma Ho-chih. His brushwork is characterized.....more

名畫薈萃 冊 元黃公望山水

名畫薈萃 冊 元黃公望山水

the river with layers of mountains in the distance on the other. The brushwork for the figure and hut.....more

宋元名繪 冊 元人畫招涼仕女

宋元名繪 冊 元人畫招涼仕女

brushwork captures a sense of archaic beauty. This is the 4th leaf from the album Famous Paintings.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

, and the brushwork is well-practiced. In this excellent work, both the painting and the calligraphy.....more

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 周利槃陀

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...

of exaggeration and bizzareness. The brushwork is rich and mature and suggests that the album is a late work.....more

元明人詞翰 卷 宋克書五言古詩

元明人詞翰 卷 宋克書五言古詩

of the brushwork is similar to his early style and unlike the quick and sharp manner of his later years. Thus.....more

宋元明集繪 冊 元黃公望野彴吟節

宋元明集繪 冊 元黃公望野彴吟...

a flat outcropping and alum heads, the foothills obscured by tall trees in front. The brushwork.....more

清金廷標畫仙館澄秋 軸

清金廷標畫仙館澄秋 軸

paintings. Chin’s brushwork was neither overly skillful nor delicate, but rather was quite spirited.....more

清唐岱沈源合筆豳風圖 軸

清唐岱沈源合筆豳風圖 軸

. The coloring is opulent and the brushwork mature. This combination of poetry and imagery.....more

元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸

元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸

. With strictly structured characters held together within themselves and forceful and handsome brushwork.....more

元王振鵬畫手卷 卷

元王振鵬畫手卷 卷

is summary, the style of brushwork is generally unlike that of Yüan artists. Wang Chen-p'eng.....more

清方士庶仿董源夏山?靄圖 軸

清方士庶仿董源夏山?靄圖 軸

scroll format. The landscape is true to the style of the early master Tung Yüan. The brushwork.....more

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾尺牘

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾...

a dashing, untrammeled air. This leaf with 2 works features mature, strong brushwork, the characters.....more

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾尺牘

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾...

a dashing, untrammeled air. This leaf with 2 works features mature, strong brushwork, the characters.....more

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 蘇轍致知郡承議定國尺牘

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 蘇轍致...

Zhe’s brushwork, however, is not as leisurely as Su Shi’s. This leaf with 2 works is from the album.....more


brushwork 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋