搜尋:brushwork 在 書畫 分類當中


元趙孟頫觀泉圖 軸

元趙孟頫觀泉圖 軸

relaxation. The brushwork is untrammeled and the coloring simple yet classically elegant. This work, much.....more

元王蒙長江萬里圖 卷

元王蒙長江萬里圖 卷

works. However, the brushwork is stiff and the ink gradation lacks layering and variation.....more

明戴進溪橋策蹇圖 軸

明戴進溪橋策蹇圖 軸

. The variety of long and short strokes is lively. The brushwork reflects the origins of Tai’s style.....more

明沈周名賢雅集圖 軸

明沈周名賢雅集圖 軸

the occasion. The coloring is elegant and the drapery lines vary from fine to coarse, in which the brushwork.....more

明呂紀畫花卉翎毛 軸

明呂紀畫花卉翎毛 軸

are not on this painting, but the composition and the brushwork seem to capture Lü Chi’s spirit. However.....more

明孫枝玉洞桃花 軸

明孫枝玉洞桃花 軸

tall pines and a scholar and servant crossing a bridge occupy the foreground. The brushwork.....more

明呂紀桃柳雙鳧圖 軸

明呂紀桃柳雙鳧圖 軸

is a neatly executed work, although the brushwork lacks strength. There is a peach tree in full bloom.....more

明鄭重畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸

明鄭重畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸

in gold pigment, and the entire work is colored magnificently. The brushwork describing the cassock.....more

明文嘉巖瀑松濤圖 軸

明文嘉巖瀑松濤圖 軸

as well as their rhythmic qualities. Following in the family style, his brushwork is angular.....more

明文臺香象皈依圖 軸

明文臺香象皈依圖 軸

of transformation. The skilled brushwork in the entire painting possesses an antique flavor and is full.....more

明關思曲?清音 軸

明關思曲?清音 軸

. The brushwork is gentle, the scenery and figures are sprightly and the composition is clearly defined.....more

明謝時臣高人雅集圖 軸

明謝時臣高人雅集圖 軸

(1427-1509) style, with adaptations. He employed free, sweeping brushwork and preferred pale coloring.....more

明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸

明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸

, dry brushwork, and texture strokes enhance the sense of elegance here. The coloring is subtle.....more

明徐賁蜀山圖 軸

明徐賁蜀山圖 軸

, elegant tones, the colors are those of a scholar’s breeding The brushwork is appealing and contains.....more

明王紱勘書圖 軸

明王紱勘書圖 軸

a book. The relaxed brushwork and the moist, dark ink represent the highest achievement.....more


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