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共找到 146 筆符合的資料
宋十二名家法書 冊 李建中書諮
於肥厚之內,猶有唐代顏真卿、徐浩之風。可知趙孟頫所謂「西台書去唐未遠,猶有唐人餘風」之言不虛。本幅選自「宋十二名家法書」冊第一幅。&*Li Chien-chung (style name Te.....more
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宋李唐畫四時山水 冊
-ch'ing. In order, those on the latter are Chia-ch'ing chien-shang, San-hsi t'ang ching-chien hsi, I.....more
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清王翬夏山?雨圖 卷
of the Ch’ing Dynasty. He was already a capable painter when he met the famous artists Wang Chien.....more
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清張若澄畫鎮海寺雪景 軸
dynasty (1644-1911 A.D.) Chang Jo-ch’eng (tzu Ching-chien, Ching-pi, Lien-hsüeh) was the younger.....more
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清吳昌碩行書中堂 軸
Chien-shan (Hsien), and he specialized in researching poetry, calligraphy, and seal carving. He.....more
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明倪元璐書把酒漫成七律 軸
. Tai I-chien in 1990. (20110204) 本幅 106x48.7公分、全幅 59.2公分 類型:書法 型式:文字 倪元璐 數位化執行單位:國立故宮博物院 明倪元璐書把酒漫成七.....more
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是字的本身,而是年過八十,腕力還能用,陸放翁云:『老子尚堪絕大漠』,不妨以之解嘲。」本件為臺靜農先生遺贈。&* T’ai Ching-nung (style name Po-chien.....more
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宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君
of Li Chien-chung(945-1013). All later critics of Lin's calligraphic style applaud the clarity.....more
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明人畫扇 冊 明李流芳秋林晚景
a native of She-hsien in Anhwei, he later moved to Chia-ting, where he, T’ang Shih-sheng, Lou Chien.....more
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宋趙伯駒仙山樓閣 軸
, T'ai-tsu. During the Chien-yen reign (1127-1130) he served in office along the Eastern Che circuit.....more
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清宋駿業林亭煙岫 軸
in Kiangsu province, Sung Chun-yeh’s style-name was Shen-ch’iu, and his sobriquet was Chien-ch’i. During.....more
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清董邦達畫返照歸雲圖 軸
in the compilation of the Shih-chü pao-chi, the Mi-tien chu-lin, and the Hsi-ch’ing ku-chien. This painting.....more
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宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君
of Li Chien-chung(945-1013). All later critics of Lin's calligraphic style applaud the clarity.....more
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