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共找到 146 筆符合的資料
明思宗書九思二字 軸
of the Emperor Kuang-tsung (r. 1620). His name was Yu-chien and he reigned for sixteen years, giving the name.....more
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清李世倬雜畫 冊 鍾馗
even further, the binome for “brandishing a sword (chih-chien 執劍)” is a homonym for “only visible.....more
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五代董源江堤晚景 軸
-chien. Art historical records mention Tung's "ink monochrome painting as like Wang Wei's and his.....more
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清王翬倣倪瓚畫山水 軸
called Wu-mu Shan-jen and Chien-men ch’iao-k’e) was a native of Ch’ang-shu, Kiangsu. Wang Hui often.....more
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清王翬倣巨然夏山圖 軸
-yen san-jen, was native to Ch'ang-shu, Kiang-su. In his youth, he studied painting under Wang Chien.....more
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清王翬倣王蒙夏山讀書圖 軸
san-jen, Wu-mu shan-jen, Chien-men ch’iao-k’o, Ch’ing hui chu-jen, and others) was a native of Ch’ang.....more
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清王翬畫溪山紅樹 軸
當之嫌。 &*Wang Hui (style name Shih-ku; sobriquets Keng-yen San-jen, Wu-mu Shan-jen, Chien-men ch’iao-k.....more
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宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾書次韻秦...
vulgar nor without rules. Huang T'ing-chien(1045-1105)called Su the premier calligrapher of the Sung.....more
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宋陳居中畫王建宮詞圖 軸
. 1735-96) with Wang Chien's poem that reads; Palace people rise early, laughing and calling to each.....more
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明文徵明自書七言律詩 卷
-cursive script. Critics have praised his brushwork as surpassing that of Su Shih, Huang T’ing-chien, Mi.....more
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名人書畫扇(壬) 冊 清顧見龍...
在,並任職內廷畫院當祇侯。工畫人物故事,又善於臨摹古蹟,幾可亂眞。他的花鳥畫雖非專長,但偶而游戱之作,筆情墨趣,草草見意,自有種瀟洒的情態。&* Ku Chien-lung (tzu Yün.....more
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入,幽遠有緻。畫成於1939年。林誠道先生捐贈。 &*Y? Chien-hua, named K’un and style name Y?-y?, was a native of Tsinan.....more
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清黃應諶陋室銘圖 軸
as Chien-an. He excelled in painting figures, ghosts and children. Huang entered the Painting Academy.....more
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