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共找到 3067 筆符合的資料
董邦達柳浪聞鶯御題 軸
and a high official at court. In painting, he followed the style of Tung Ch’i-ch’ang, achieving.....more
- 1531/3067
明宣宗坐像(一) 軸
with coiled-dragon patterns. The painting style is quite realistic throughout and the angles.....more
- 1532/3067
清禹之鼎擬趙千里山水 軸
有如一派人間仙境。趙伯駒為南北宋之間的青綠山水畫名家,後世頗多畫家倣效。本幅重設色,輪廓處用泥金勾勒,這是典型的青綠法。&* Yü Chih-ting (style name Tzu-chi.....more
- 1533/3067
清張仲學畫歲朝鍾馗 軸
combined the above two traditions into one. The style appears similar to that of Che School painters.....more
- 1534/3067
清張若靄畫雪景人物事蹟 軸
style on the basis of the ideas of Wang Ku-hsiang (1501-1568) and Chou Chih-mien (ca. 1580-1610.....more
- 1536/3067
明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 玩月
-autumn Moon Wu Pin (fl. 1591-1643) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin, style name Wen-chung, was a native of Pu-t.....more
- 1537/3067
清姚文瀚畫第一阿迎阿機達尊者 ...
reflect the Tibetan style of Buddhist painting. &*1.葛婉章,〈清姚文瀚畫十六羅漢連作 — 清宮羅漢畫,流露西藏風〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第156期(1996年.....more
- 1538/3067
Year is admirably suggested. Here Tung’s style reveals itself as naïve rather than precisely.....more
- 1539/3067
宋錢選畫時苗留犢圖 卷
into the Yüan. He excelled at painting landscapes and birds-and-flowers, his style being.....more
- 1540/3067
明文徵明題宋高宗賜岳飛手?詞 ...
, calligraphy, and painting, being one of the Four Ming Masters. Originally named Bi, he had the style name.....more
- 1541/3067
明文徵明書赤壁賦 卷
. In the former he followed the fourth-century style of the Two Wangs (Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi.....more
- 1542/3067
清院本漢宮春曉圖 卷
Court Painters Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) This scroll, executed in an elegant and luxurious style.....more
- 1544/3067
清沈振麟畫耄耋同春 冊
「耄」部十二幅,以及下冊「耋」部四幅(。精緻富麗的圖繪在深暗底色的反襯之下,顯得分外活潑討喜,照人眼明。(20110408)&*Shen Zhenlin (style name.....more
- 1545/3067