石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2736&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁565&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁373-374&*1.林莉娜,〈清張若靄畫雪景人物事蹟〉,收入林莉娜、張華芝編,《冬景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1989年元月初版),頁68。 &*張若靄(西元一七一三至一七四六年),安徽桐城人。相國廷玉之子,雍正間官禮部尚書,襲伯爵,并以書、畫供奉內廷。善山水、花鳥,得王穀祥、周之冕遺意。 相傳古有鐵腳道人,性喜食梅花,和雪而吞,人問其故,則答以:「吾欲寒香沁入肺腑。」本幅上方題詩亦標有「赤腳嚼雪」四字,顧知所繪即鐵腳道人故實。通幅之筆描纖細,布局呈之字形向上伸展,饒具高曠之致,惟遠山與天際銜接處,累見貼補痕,或因題識時誤書,乃有此因應之道。 &*Solitude in the Snow Chang Jo-ai (1713-1746) Ch’ing Dynasty Chang Jo-ai was a native of T’ung-ch’eng, Anhui. He inherited the title of Count from his father, who was the Prime Minister. A skilled calligrapher and painter, Chang was especially noted for his landscapes, birds and flowers. He formed his painting style on the basis of the ideas of Wang Ku-hsiang (1501-1568) and Chou Chih-mien (ca. 1580-1610). According to legend, there was an “iron-footed” or steadfast Taoist sage who thrived on plum blossoms and snow. When asked why he partook only of these, he replied that he desired their cold sweetness to permeate his very core. At the top of the painting a four-character colophon proclaims, “Barefoot Munching Snow”, which reveals that the subject of the painting alludes to this legend. Brush techniques used throughout the work are fine and delicate. The composition was arranged in a striking zigzag format which proceeds upwards from the bottom. Originally, there may have been errors made in the colophon, as a new piece was mounted to serve as a replacement.