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共找到 87 筆符合的資料
鏤繪集錦 冊 仙山樓閣
- and blue-tinged clouds with white cranes and colorful phoenixes flying about. An air of immortality.....more
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golden lilies” (i.e., bound feet), most decorative trousers were green and blue embroidery on white.....more
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for summer sleeping. This particular item is comparatively short with a white base and blue-green.....more
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. The white porcelain of this item is adorned with blue-green floral patterns and a lion playing.....more
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) 主要題名-日文:青花皿 主要題名-英文:Blue China Plate 中文說明:青花盤為白色瓷盤,盤中圖案為山、樹和鳥,山為日本富士山,樹為老松樹,鳥為鶴,具有松鶴延年、壽比南山的吉祥意義,盤緣做.....more
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was commonly worn throughout Taiwan. The rich blue, yellow, and orange needlework on white satin.....more
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清吳歷雲白山青圖 卷
pigments of blue, green, red, and white, there is no sense of confusion or muddiness.....more
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清繡線佛像(五)文殊菩薩 軸
. In front, two attendants have brought a blue lion, his mount. Mañjusri is paired.....more
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明仇氏杜陵內史畫白衣大士像 軸
and figure painting. In this work, the White-robed Kuan-yin sits on a large blue lotus blossom rising.....more
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明人畫普賢大士像 軸
a figure sitting on the back of a white elephant reading an open scroll. Samantabhadra and Mañjušr.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 無款仕女
are made up in the "three whites" fashion whereby their foreheads, noses, and chins are dabbed with white.....more
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sacrificial tables, the top portion is blue cloth with two additional cloth strips to stabilize the skirt.....more
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