搜尋:brush 在 繪畫 分類當中


元人法書 冊 鮮于樞書唐人水簾洞詩

元人法書 冊 鮮于樞書唐人水簾...

in applying the brush, creating the unusual and overflowing manner here.(20100406) 本幅 38.3x27.5公分、全幅 50.....more

元人法書 冊 饒介書七言律詩三首

元人法書 冊 饒介書七言律詩三...

to the undulated brushwork. Into Wang Xianzhi’s running script style has been added the brush manner.....more

明張瑞圖書後赤壁賦 冊

明張瑞圖書後赤壁賦 冊

, Chang often used sharp brushwork that reveals the tip of the brush. The heavy strokes in places here.....more

明常倫草蟲 卷

明常倫草蟲 卷

is quite fluid and spontaneous as if the brush danced across the handscroll. &*1.王耀庭,〈常倫草蟲〉,收入國立故宮博物院.....more

宋元寶翰 冊 宋張孝祥書尺牘

宋元寶翰 冊 宋張孝祥書尺牘

forms are distinctive and the brush methods varied, the lines having the beauty of both steadiness.....more

名畫琳瑯 冊 明陸治雪後訪梅

名畫琳瑯 冊 明陸治雪後訪梅

of Wen Cheng-ming. This painting was completely executed with a coarse brush. A cold vapor naturally.....more

明張宏補衲圖 軸

明張宏補衲圖 軸

was good at painting landscapes, which were respected by the scholars of Wu. His brush manner.....more

集古圖繪 冊 宋朱羲摹五代戴嵩筆

集古圖繪 冊 宋朱羲摹五代戴嵩...

seems to have captured the spirit of Tai Sung's oxen. The use of the brush varies from a rough.....more

清王原祁仿大癡虞山秋色 軸

清王原祁仿大癡虞山秋色 軸

and ridges, scattered river hamlets, and lonely and desolate vistas. Wang used a slanted brush to texture.....more

清王原祁倣米芾雲山 軸

清王原祁倣米芾雲山 軸

his brush and thaw his ink before he could paint. Consequently the ink appears slightly congealed.....more

清王原祁畫中有詩圖 軸

清王原祁畫中有詩圖 軸

was particularly enjoyable. Wang Yűan-ch’i painted this scroll to commemorate this event. The brush.....more

清蔣廷錫桂花 軸

清蔣廷錫桂花 軸

桂花 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1159&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁99&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁75-76&*  蔣廷錫(西元一六六九至一七三二年),字揚孫,號西谷.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款寒山行旅

宋人集繪 冊 無款寒山行旅

and rocks, piling up like curling clouds, have been described with a swift, vigorous brush.....more

名賢妙蹟 冊 元倪瓚野石修篁

名賢妙蹟 冊 元倪瓚野石修篁

brush-strength, and thus suggests his skill in calligraphy. The rock is formed with rubbed texture.....more

集古圖繪 冊 元黃公望山水

集古圖繪 冊 元黃公望山水

’s type of work with “extremely few texture strokes” and “an abbreviated and remote brush manner.....more


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