石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2098&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁94-95&*1.〈明張瑞圖書後赤壁賦〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《赤壁賦書畫特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1984年初版),頁20。 &*張瑞圖(西元一五七0-一六四一?年)字長公,號二水、果亭山人、白毫庵道者,福建晉江人。曾官少詹事,後陞為禮部右侍郎,官至大學士。與邢侗、米萬鐘、董其昌同為明末四大書家。 張氏用筆多方硬側鋒,筆畫拙重,筆勢多呈橫勢。其字體結構嚴密,排列成狹窄的縱行,行間空白很寬,頗具鮮明個人特色。此卷筆力勁健,轉折尖銳,堪稱新穎奇特。&*Chang Jui-t'u, a native of Fukien, served as a court official but is better known along with Hsing T'ung, Mi Wan-chung, and Tung Ch'i-ch'ang as one of the Four Great Calligraphers of the Late Ming. In calligraphy, Chang often used sharp brushwork that reveals the tip of the brush. The heavy strokes in places here contrast with the thin dragged lines to give the solid rows of characters a light and airy effect. There is often little space between the characters, adding further to the individual style for which Chang was known. Indeed, the brushwork in this handscroll (now mounted as an album) has a horizontal force with sharp turns and twists, creating an unusual staccato and revealing Chang's creative approach to calligraphy.