搜尋:Artist 在 繪畫 分類當中


清鄒一桂畫秋色 軸

清鄒一桂畫秋色 軸

of light, delicately colored washes from the famous artist Yün Shou-p’ing. He further enhanced.....more

清王時敏松巖靜樂圖 軸

清王時敏松巖靜樂圖 軸

the essence of Huang Kung-wang’s brushwork. This painting, executed when the artist was 79 yeaers old.....more

清蔣廷錫月來香圖 軸

清蔣廷錫月來香圖 軸

of the artist Ku Hsüeh-po, and excelled at painting from nature. After Chiang T’ing-hsi became.....more

清張若靄繪圖高宗御筆秋花詩 軸

清張若靄繪圖高宗御筆秋花詩 軸

, the artist emphasized the sumptuous surface pattern of the flora. 本幅 188.5x100.2公分&全幅.....more

清金廷標高賢遇隱圖 軸

清金廷標高賢遇隱圖 軸

’ien-lung Emperor when the latter was on an inspection tour of south China, after which the artist.....more

明仇英換茶圖文徵明書心經合璧 卷

明仇英換茶圖文徵明書心經合璧 ...

trees, the great Yuan scholar-artist Chao Meng-fu sits at a table holding a brush with Kung Shang-jen.....more

清王原祁畫山水 冊 仿米氏雲山

清王原祁畫山水 冊 仿米氏雲山

by smaller peaks. The artist has depicted the actual site of a river hamlet with summer rain just clearing.....more

清董邦達雲山圖 軸

清董邦達雲山圖 軸

and rounded; ink and color are blended and modulated; and the forms of the scene were born from the artist’s.....more

清永瑢畫山水 軸

清永瑢畫山水 軸

was a skilled poet, calligraphy and painter. Having taken the contemporary artist Huang Chien as a model.....more

清永瑢松壑層軒 軸

清永瑢松壑層軒 軸

was a skilled poet, calligraphy and painter. Having taken the style of the contemporary artist Huang Chien.....more

明居節仿唐寅雁宕山圖 卷

明居節仿唐寅雁宕山圖 卷

, so the artist may not have actually visited the site. Chü Chieh, a native of Soochow in Kiangsu.....more

宋人勘書圖 軸

宋人勘書圖 軸

. The artist was careful to describe many objects, but the style appears stiff in terms of the rendering.....more

明董其昌倣張僧繇白雲紅樹 卷

明董其昌倣張僧繇白雲紅樹 卷

is light and fresh; the coloring, bright yet elegant. The artist’s colophon at the end of the painting.....more

清院本漢宮春曉圖 卷

清院本漢宮春曉圖 卷

were numerous, some following the format set by the Han dynasty artist, Mao Yen-sou. Others, unlike.....more

清王鑑溪山深秀 軸

清王鑑溪山深秀 軸

presents rows of mountains, a meandering stream, and forest mists. The inscription of the artist states.....more


Artist 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋