故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁44&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁217-220&* 雁蕩山綿亙浙江省樂清、平陽兩縣,山勢峭拔,林谷森然,山頂有湖,春雁歸來時在此棲息,於是得名為「雁蕩」。自北宋僧人全了隱居山中修行,雁蕩山漸為世人知曉。明人時將雁蕩寫入畫圖,此幅既題為臨仿,作者或可能神往已久而未得一遊。居節(一五二四-一五八五以後),字士貞,江蘇蘇州人,詩書畫均從學於文徵明、文嘉父子,一生清貧守節,以書畫維生,寧可窮死不為五斗米折腰!&* The Yen-tang (“Geese Marsh”) Mountains stretch across Le-ch’ing and P’ing-yang counties, Chekiang. The steep mountains have luxuriant forested valleys with a lake near the top. In the spring, wild geese return there to nest, hence the name. The area grew in renown after the Northern Sung monk Ch’üan-liao lived as a recluse in cultivation there. In the Ming, Yen-tang was recorded in pictures. This painting is labeled as a copy, so the artist may not have actually visited the site. Chü Chieh, a native of Soochow in Kiangsu, learned poetry, painting, and calligraphy from Wen Cheng-ming and his son Wen Chia. Poor and chaste through life, he made a living by painting and calligraphy, preferring simple dignity rather than selling out himself.