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共找到 222 筆符合的資料
明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸
or his noble character, Ku was a skilled poet, calligrapher, and painter. Indeed, the famous artist Tung.....more
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元朱德潤?嵐秋澗 軸
, but Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636) has made the attribution. 本幅 102.6x44.3公分、詩塘 29.2x44.3公分、全幅 66公分 類型:繪畫 型.....more
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明張瑞圖書後赤壁賦 冊
, and Tung Ch'i-ch'ang as one of the Four Great Calligraphers of the Late Ming. In calligraphy.....more
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明沈周倣倪瓚筆意 軸
are thicker and recall the landscape painted for Wu Shih-chü in 1476. The treatment of the trees.....more
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清王翬平林散牧圖 軸
was a native of Ch’ang-shu, Kiangsu. He was a protégé of Wang Shih-min and both master.....more
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明董其昌倣張僧繇白雲紅樹 卷
、硃砂、汁綠和赭墨交相點畫,筆觸輕盈爽朗,施色鮮麗而不傷雅秀。幅末自題云:「張僧繇沒骨山,余每每倣之,然獨以此卷為愜意,蓋緣神怡務閒時所作耳。」其自許如此。 &* Tung Ch'i-ch'ang.....more
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清唐岱風雨歸舟圖 軸
-?) Ch’ing Dynasty T’ang Tai was a native of Manchuria, member of the Cheng-pai banner. His style n.....more
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明董其昌書輞川詩 冊
隱居遊樂的心情,投射在作為隱逸典型的「輞川詩」中。&Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, a native of Shanghai, was a civil service.....more
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清呂學東方朔負桃 軸
捐贈。 &*Tung-fang Shuo Carrying Peaches Lü Hsüeh (fl. latter half of 17th c.) Ch’ing Dynasty.....more
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元黃公望天池石壁圖 軸
-199 &故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁97-98&黃公望(西元一二六九至一三五四年),字子久,又號大癡道人,晚號井西道人,浙江富陽人。畫山水遠師五代的董源,成就極高,是元四大家之首.....more
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