搜尋:ink 在 書畫 分類當中


元趙孟頫書蘇軾稼說 冊

元趙孟頫書蘇軾稼說 冊

Mengfu with great fidelity, also excelling at ink bamboo and fine outline painting. In this work.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋黃庭堅致天民知命大主簿尺牘 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋黃庭堅致天民...

in a majestic and free manner. This is the 11th leaf from the album “Ink Treasures by the Four Song.....more

清花卉畫冊 冊 清趙之琛梅竹水仙

清花卉畫冊 冊 清趙之琛梅竹水...

in these terms: “The brush and ink are light and free, the use of color clear and elegant; the effect.....more

清沈振麟繪十二月花神 冊 紅梅綠竹

清沈振麟繪十二月花神 冊 紅梅...

, the ink has lost life-like refinement, a quality relished by the viewer. 本幅 27.2x33.4公分、全幅 64.6x42公分.....more

清門應兆補繪蕭雲從離騷圖上冊 冊

清門應兆補繪蕭雲從離騷圖上冊 ...

on ink stones Hsi-ch’ing Yen P’u in 1778. Exhibited together with this painting are two inkstones.....more

明人畫幅集冊 冊 明吳弘猷蘆菊芙蓉

明人畫幅集冊 冊 明吳弘猷蘆菊...

” and “boneless ink’ methods, respectively. The brushwork is fluent and soft in a “sketching ideas.....more

清馮寧二仙圖 軸

清馮寧二仙圖 軸

of a split brush, and freely splashing washes of dilute ink. Thus his paintings convey the impression.....more

清陳書花卉 冊 紅梅茶花

清陳書花卉 冊 紅梅茶花

a delightful picture. The branch and trunk of the plum tree are depicted with monochrome ink.....more

明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 群仙獻芝

明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 群仙獻芝

the viewer the impression of supreme strength. The ink tones are rich in modulation and variation.....more

宋緙絲海屋添籌 軸

宋緙絲海屋添籌 軸

half the composition appears. Parts of this work were damaged and retouched with ink. 本幅 45.3x26.9公分.....more

元張雨書唐人絕句 軸

元張雨書唐人絕句 軸

and ease. The ink is at times dry, but it is also moist and fluid at others. The characters.....more

明唐寅畫山水人物 冊 山間騎犢

明唐寅畫山水人物 冊 山間騎犢

on an ox moves forward along a river. Its ink and brushwork are delicate and fine. 本幅 38.2x63.6公分、全幅 74公分.....more

清楊大章畫鳳凰梧桐 軸

清楊大章畫鳳凰梧桐 軸

to 1791, and he painted figures and birds-and-flowers in the fine-line manner. In ink and colors, Yang.....more

清陳舒新年大吉 軸

清陳舒新年大吉 軸

style from Ch'en Ch'un and Hsü Wei. However, in his use of ink tone, he was a master.....more

清金廷標畫柳陰童戲 軸

清金廷標畫柳陰童戲 軸

life, sometimes employing chiaroscuro effects. He also painted in pai-miao ink-outline mode.....more


ink 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋