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共找到 165 筆符合的資料
藝林清賞 冊 清偉元布袋和尚
布袋和尚,本幅畫布袋和尚立於古樹下,袒腹露胸,舉手伸欠,布袋與荷杖置於其後。通幅以指作畫,點劃草草,而人物情態畢具。 本幅為「藝林清賞」第十一開。 &*The Monk Pu-tai Wei Y.....more
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唐王維江干雪意圖 卷
飛過天空,為寂靜的大地增添了生意。此卷是否出於王維之作,仍有很大的疑問,而畫法溫婉優雅,比較接近於北宋趙令穰畫風。&*Wang Wei, a native of Shansi province.....more
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明人便面畫冊(四) 冊 明胡德...
。&*Plum, Rock, and Camellia Hu Te-wei Ming Dynasty Hu Te-wei is not recorded in the histories.....more
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明吳偉仙蹤侶鶴圖 軸
of A Crane Wu Wei (1459-1508) Ming Dynasty Wu Wei was a native of Chiang-hsia in Hopei. His style.....more
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墨林拔萃 冊 唐韋偃雙騎圖
reads "Painted in the spring of 627 by Wei Yen." Wei Yen was from ch'ang-an (present-day Sian.....more
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not a superlative Wei stele, it is still noteworthy for many fine areas of well-engraved calligraphy.....more
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唐尉遲乙僧護國天王像 軸
attributed to Wei-ch'ih I-seng, close study of the brush and ink, however, indicates the style of the Ming.....more
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清錢維城畫梅茶水仙 軸
(西元一六八八-一七六六年)注重光影變化的技法。這應是當時宮廷中,畫家相互影響所致。&*Ch'ien Wei-ch'eng, a native of Wu-chin in Kiangsu.....more
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清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平牡丹
'ing has depicted two rare “Yellow Yao” and “Violet Wei” peonies, himself describing them as “graceful.....more
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元趙肅書母衛宜人墓誌 卷
of Madame Wei, the mother of Chao Su, is a manuscript intended to be carved in stone to accompany burial.....more
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清高其佩江山春靄 軸
。溪水溶溶,遠山春靄,春意甚濃。全圖筆觸蒼勁,墨色濃淡有致,層次分明。 &* Kao Ch’i-p’ei whose style name was Wei-chih and sobriquets Ch.....more
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南朝宋陸探微五岳圖 卷
,樹木大都作秋景紅葉,畫中高士,或對語、或攜琴訪友,筆墨濁重欠清雅。按陸探微畫,北宋宣和畫譜僅載十幅,舉世今恐無存。本幅原籤題陸探微畫,畫上所謂宋徽宗題識均存疑。&*Lu T'an-wei.....more
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明邢國賢畫達摩葦渡 軸
, excelled at painting figures. He followed after the Che school artist Wu Wei, but with more.....more
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