秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁182&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁89&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁269-270&*邢國賢(一五三九-一六三七),江蘇南匯人。字東帆。善畫人物,得浙派吳偉筆意,然使筆較為收斂。 本幅畫菩提達摩(?-五三六)一葦渡江的故事。據傳達摩本為南印度香至王第三子,南北朝時泛海至廣州,梁武帝迎入建業,達摩因其法緣薄,遂腳踏蘆葦渡長江至北魏。止於嵩山少林寺面壁十年,於梁大通二年圓寂。葬於熊耳山。唐代宗諡號圓覺大師,為中國禪宗始祖。 &*Bodhidharma Crossing the River on a Reed Hsing Kuo-hsien (1539-1637) Ming Dynasty Hsing Kuo-hsien, a native of Kiangsu province, excelled at painting figures. He followed after the Che school artist Wu Wei, but with more control. Bodhidharma (? - 536) was the son of a king in southern India. He is said to have traveled by boat to Canton in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Invited by the Liang emperor Wu-ti to the capital of Nanking, he was dismayed by the lack of understanding about Buddhism and departed by sailing on a reed to Lo-yang, the Northern Wei capital. This work illustrates that legend. He spent 10 years in contemplation at the Shao-lin monastery and achieved nirvana in 536. In the T’ang dynasty, he was revered and became known as the patriarch of the Ch’en (Zen) sect of Buddhism.