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共找到 87 筆符合的資料
元明書翰第四十六冊 冊 徐渭書...
” is a major work by Tu Fu (712-770) expressing concern over the chaos with the T'ang dynasty court.....more
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明趙左雲巖響瀑圖 軸
米非米之妙。 雨後雲山,滿紙溟濛之色。一溪新漲,如聞波湧之聲。用筆樸穆,寓意荒寒,往往佳作不以工穩勝也。 &* Chao Tso, whose style name was Wen-tu.....more
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清羅牧林壑蕭?圖 軸
of Ning-tu in Kiangsu, but resided in Nan-ch’ang. He excelled at poetry, loved wine, was adept.....more
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藝林清賞 冊 清周度疏林寒鴉
第四開。 &* Chou Tu (style name Szu-yü) was a native of Hangchou. Although there are few details.....more
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秋楓頑童(原單位統一編號 01000...
主題意涵:寫景 技法:寫意 色彩:設色 題材:人物 中國文化大學華岡博物館 畫心尺寸:60x90cm 入藏日期:1977-06-08 本名:涂璨琳 譯名:Tu Can-lin 秋楓頑童(原單位統一編.....more
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transcribed a seven-character regulated verse by Cui Tu of the Tang dynasty entitled “Reminiscing on Travels.....more
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宋張訓禮圍爐博古圖 軸
on the Eighteen Scholars. The T’ang emperor T’ai-tsung gathered 18 eminent scholars, including Tu Ju.....more
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元人舊蹟 冊 虞集致丹丘博士公...
of Wu Ch'en. In 1297 his connections brought him the appointment as a professor in the Ta-tu lu School.....more
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清潘是稷墨妙珠林 (亥) 冊
Kinds of Poetry by Sikong Tu of the Tang dynasty discuss poetic modes. In it, the artistic style.....more
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五代後蜀黃筌竹林鵓鴿圖 軸
Ch'eng-tu in Szechwan. At age 16, he was appointed to serve in the Academy of Painting in Szechwan.....more
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五代後蜀黃筌長春竹雀 軸
。 &*Huang Ch'üan (style name Yao-shu) came from Ch'eng-tu in Szechuan. He was already an excellent.....more
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元薩都剌嚴陵釣臺圖 軸
作品不多見。 此幅蓋寫富春江嚴陵釣魚臺,巉磯雜亂,巨松偃仰,屋宇次列於石後,檣影互出於傍岸,危巖聳立,盤道直上,釣台在望。下眺橫江澄碧,孤舟輕蕩,一派江山勝景,發人遐思。&*Sa-tu-la.....more
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