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共找到 91 筆符合的資料
明文徵明花卉 冊 洛浦凌波
, Kiangsu. He was skilled in all of the literati arts: poetry, prose, calligraphy and painting. Wen Cheng.....more
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明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸
literati of his time. This work was painted in 1468, when Tu Ch’iung was 72. &* 杜瓊(西元一三九六至一四七四年),字用嘉.....more
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清顧澐山水 冊 小靈鷲山館圖
, in the refinement of literati painting from the 18th century onwards. 本幅 24.8x31.3公分、全幅 59.6x37.3公分 清德宗光緒九年.....more
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明丁雲圖羅漢 冊 羅漢(九)
to the style of Wu School literati artists. The chair in this painting reflects the basic features of Ming.....more
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元人舊蹟 冊 楊維禎致理齋明府...
with such literati as Huang Gongwang and becoming one of the leading figures in the early Yunjian School.....more
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明人畫岩壑清暉 冊 明人梅園讀...
to a garden of a member of the literati. 本幅 32.8x22.8公分、全幅 38.2x53公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 數位化執行單位:國立故宮博物院 明人畫岩壑清.....more
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明陸治蔡羽書畫合璧 冊 虎丘圖
, it was executed in a carefree manner to create mood rather than to capture verisimilitude. The literati.....more
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清戴洪畫齡壽萬年 冊 綿雉老梅
Court painting, however, is far from the literati painters’ philosophy of capturing the idea.....more
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明人畫扇 冊 明李流芳秋林晚景
of Ch’ien Ch’ien-i, and Li’s literary works were preeminent among the literati. Li was good.....more
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