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共找到 315 筆符合的資料
rented it to a man called Li. The Latter began to dye cotton so put up three high poles.....more
the sayings of priests and people…Especially a head man(Tsong-li) I. two servants of the priests went.....more
chapel. Sun burning hot. Saw Ko Hok a preacher from Pat-li-hun who came to the Col. sick. He seemed.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Married Tan Si 25 years old to TiuN-li 17 years of age. It was public purposely.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Ther. 68* Still at to Pat-li-hun and Preached several times then went out.....more
. Li-a. M-a' Phu-to' Kiu-kiong' ChhiN-a' Bok-len' Bok-koa' Tsang' Siau-lang' Soa-sam' Sui-liu. Ha.....more
we wandered calling on Many farm houses until we got to Pak-li-hun opposite Tamsui and near the sea.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 攝製地點:Went to Pat-li-hun.前往八里坌 內容摘要說明:A Hoa's prayer O Thou the true God that? Idid.....more
' Sek-kha' Toa-tiu-tia' Pak-tau' Pat-li-hun' Chiu-nih' Go-ko-khi' Tho-a-hng' Sin-tsng' Sa-kak-eng' Toa.....more
= Tho = Earth Ai-mu-na-va-hi = Li u seng si Kau-ka pai-tah' nau ngi = Give us peace." -- III) Soul = La.....more
in the afternoon we were at Tiong-lek and immediately proceeded to a place called Siau-li. Simply.....more
舞蹈 排灣族 漢文姓名:杜珊珊 原住民姓名:Mu.Li.Nu 杵音文化藝術團團員 7870 .....more
落,源自比魯溫泉一帶。多里多里部落( DU LI DU LIK ),源自多里多里溪。巴霧莫里部落( PAU U MU LI ),源自太麻里溪上游,本村毗連太麻里鄉泰和村德其里.....more
,因而四季溫和,所以按阿美族語,稱之為「LI GU AIN」意為「溫和」,而陸安是阿美語近音譯字。另一說法認為陸安原為防範高山原住民之隘寮,含有「臨時旅館」的意思,日語陸安即為旅館的意思。陸安為光復後.....more
麓部落(MA DA LA RU);讀魯德德個(DU RU DER VER DER VER K);以上部落源自知本溪上游之「卡阿麓灣」遷居現址。麻利普魯部落(MA LI VER.....more