簡介:" 雌紅紫蛺蝶 Hypolimnas misippus 雌蝶翅背面及腹面皆擬態成樺斑蝶,外型和雄蝶完全不同,雄蝶翅背面黑色,前翅中央及尖端各有一塊泛藍色金屬光澤的白斑,後翅背面中央也有相同光澤的大型白斑,前後翅腹面為黃褐色,白斑位置略同,但後翅的擴大成帶狀。幼蟲寄主為馬齒莧科的馬齒莧及車前科的車前草,雌蝶將數粒卵產在寄主的莖葉上,幼蟲棲息在寄主附近或地面,化蛹也在附近隱蔽處。成蟲主要發生在7月,常出現在日照充足處,如農耕地或郊區路旁,訪花、吸食府果或吸水,雄蝶具強烈領域性。全島平地至海拔700公尺山區可見,除台灣外,中國南部、東南亞、澳洲北部及非洲馬達加斯加亦有分佈。 Hypolimnas misippus IntroductionDistributed in southern China , Taiwan , southeastern Asia, northern Australia , and Madagascar . A dults have strong sexual dimorphism. The Danaid Eggfly is a typical example of Batesian mimicry because dorsal and ventral coloring of female wings is similar to that of Plain Tiger Butterflies ( Danaus chrysippus ). Purple coloring of male Danaid Eggflies is completely different from females. Larvae feed on Portulaca oleracea (family Portulacaceae) and Plantago asiatica (family Plantaginaceae) . Adult Danaid Eggflies emerge mainly in July and are often found sucking water and nectar and eating decaying fruit in farmlands and country roadside where the sunlight is plentiful. Males are strongly territorial. "