簡介:" 孔雀蛺蝶 Junonia almana 翅黃褐色,翅上有明顯的眼紋,外型類似青眼蛺蝶及鱗紋擬蛺蝶,但本種後翅背面有一枚特大型圓形眼紋,腹面眼紋則都較小且有明顯黑邊,冬季型個體眼紋消失,翅轉為褐色且翅邊緣稜角突出,擬態成枯葉,雌雄差異不大。幼蟲以玄參科的定經草、 泥花草、水丁黃、爵床科的爵床、大安水簑衣,以及車前科的車前草等為食,雌蝶產卵於日光充足的寄主植物葉子或莖上,或是附近低矮植物上,幼蟲將寄主葉片取食完會迅速更換寄主,化蛹於隱蔽處物體上。成蟲主要生在3~10月,出現在日照充足的空曠區域,吸食花蜜及腐果,全島平地至海拔500公尺山區皆可發現,台灣外的日本、中國南部、東南亞、印度、至巴基斯坦等地也有亞種分佈。 Junonia almanaIntroductionThe Peacock Pansy is a common lowland species in Taiwan that is also distributed in Japan , southern China , southeastern Asia, India , and Pakistan . In environments with long daylight and high temperatures, Peacock Pansies have larger eye-like markings. In environments with short daylight and low temperatures, Peacock Pansies have smaller or no eye-like markings and their background color is a withered brown. Males and females are morphologically similar. Adult butterflies are in open areas with plenty of sunlight where they can suck nectar and eat decaying fruit. Larvae feed on plants from families Scrophulariaceae, Acanthaceae, and Plantaginaceae . "