簡介:"Euploea eunice hobsoni IntroductionEuploea eunice hobsoni is the largest species of the four Purple Crow butterfly species in T aiwan . Each forewing has a horizontal bluish-white marking on the lower center of the dorsal side and an oval white marking on the ventral side. Female butterflies lay eggs on the back of the host's new leaves. Larvae often play dead when scared and feed mainly o n Ficus plants, especially Ficus pumila (family Moraceae) . Emergence of adult butterflies is from April through October. These butterflies are distributed all over Taiwan from lowlands to 1,500 meters in elevation. They are commonly found sucking nectar at forest edges where the sunlight is plentiful. Overwintering individuals are often found sucking water from puddles. 圓翅紫斑蝶 Euploea eunice hobsoni 為4種相近種中體型最大的,前翅中央偏下方有一枚藍白色橫斑,腹面中央有一橢圓白斑,雄蝶前翅後方成圓弧狀突起,雌蝶則是平直的,雄蝶性斑在後翅基部,為大型黃褐色斑塊。幼蟲主要以桑科薜荔及某些榕屬植物為食,雌蝶將卵產在寄主新芽葉背,初齡幼蟲取食新葉,老熟幼蟲則偏好老葉,受驚嚇有裝死的習性,末齡蟲最後在陰暗處化蛹。成蟲發生期為4~10月,常出現在森林外緣日照充足處吸食花蜜,越冬個體常可見到在溼地吸水,全島平地至海拔1500公尺的山區皆有分佈,中部較少,除台灣外,整個東南亞地區及澳洲北部也有分佈。 "