簡介:" 青斑蝶 Parantica sita niphonica 成蟲前翅為黑褐色,後翅為紅褐色,前後翅基部有白色長條斑紋,前翅外緣有白色點。雌雄最主要差異在於雄蝶後翅腹近肛角處有黑褐色雄性性斑。幼蟲以蘿藦科之台灣牛彌菜、牛皮消屬、蘭嶼歐蔓、鷗蔓等植物葉片為食草,雌蝶偏好在半日照且濕涼處的寄主植物群落,產卵於葉背,幼蟲棲息於葉背,受驚嚇會假死,化蛹於寄主葉背或離地面不遠處的莖蔓。春、夏、秋三季皆可見到成蟲活動。冬季時成蟲則會遷移躲藏於南部山區背風的山谷中。本種分布於台灣全島平地至中低海拔山區。尚分布於中國大陸、朝鮮半島、日本、琉球、澳洲北部、印度北部、中南半島、馬來半島、蘇門達臘、東南亞地區等地。 Parantica sita niphonicaIntroductionWidely distributed in eastern and southeastern Asia . The Chestnut Tiger is found all over Taiwan from lowlands to mid-elevation mountains. Larvae feed on poisonous plants from the family Asclepiadaceae , such as Marsdenia formosana , Cynanchum spp. , Tylophora lanyuensis , and T. ovata . In Taiwan , adults are found year round. In winter, they congregate in valleys on the lee side of mountains in southern Taiwan . According to mark-recapture records, the Chestnut Tiger can migrate the long distance between Taiwan and Japan . "