簡介:"Quedius meng may be easily distinguished from the remaining two Taiwanese species of the subgenus Distichalius by the colour pattern alone. On the other hand, Q. meng is quite similar to the Japanese species Q. annectens. The Japanese species may be distinguished by the sexual character states and by some minor external differences. Q. meng occurs in forest habitats at higher mountain elevations, from about 2200 m to about 3200 m; however, one specimen was collected as low as 1100 m. Most specimens were collected in mixed coniferous-deciduous forests, or in purely coniferous forests by sifting moss, rotting bark and wood, and various other forest floor debris, sometimes also humus and dead vegetation under the undergrowth bushes. So far, there is only one reference describing this species. The description based on the original description of Smetana (1995). Quedius meng 與台灣Distichalius 亞屬其他兩種可由顏色的不同而區別出來。Q. meng與日本種類Q. annectens非常類似,差別在於生殖器與其他微小的外部特徵差異。本種大多棲息於較高海拔山區約從2200公尺至3200公尺的森林中,但在1100公尺處也曾有採集單一標本的記錄;標本則可於針葉林與落葉性植物混生森林中,或針葉林森林中以篩檢苔蘚、腐爛樹皮、木頭和其他地表腐質而得,有時在灌木林下的腐殖土壤中亦可發現。截至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以Smetana (1995) 所發表之原始文獻為主。截至目前為止,有關本種之文獻僅有一篇,因此本種之描述以Smetana (1995) 所發表之原始文獻為主。 "
學名原始發表文獻:Smetana, A. 1995. Revision of the Tribes Quediini and Tanygnathinini. Part III. Taiwan. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Special Publication Number 6, National Museum of Natural Science. 145pp.