簡介:" 占卜道具箱亦稱祈禱盒、占卜箱或巫術盒,是盛裝占卜道具的木盒。女巫在問卜或作法時,從木盒中取出道具或貢品,供獻神靈並唸咒文。一般與宗教有關的用品或道具,其製作與雕飾紋樣,較日常用具的更為精緻、工整。 PaiwanIntroductionDivination boxThe divination or shaman’s box was used to hold objects for divination rites. A shaman, usually a woman, took out the required objects from the box when carrying out divination rites. She also presented offerings to the ancestral spirits and recited specific incantations. In general, objects and items used in religious rites and ceremonies were more elaborately decorated than everyday use items."