簡介:"PaiwanHead ornament Ethnology原住民民族誌標本排灣頸飾A zure stone beads, also called dragonfly beads were precious things passed down in the family by chiefs or used in a dowry. They would only be worn in the once every five year festival or when a chief married. The number of beads on the neckwear represented the wealth and position of the wearer. Also, azure stone beads were used to treat illness and in fortune telling and also were believed to bring luck. Each bead had a different name, sex and story. The order of arrangement also followed special rules. 排灣族的裝飾品以傳統項飾最講究也最重要,不僅因為貴重大型的琉璃珠主要串組於項飾上,且傳統項飾具嚴格的結構法則,各部位有特定的名稱以區別,形制固定,為排灣貴族長久佩戴與相傳。 琉璃珠,又稱蜻蜓珠,為排灣族所特有,與排灣社會的關係息息相關,更是排灣族頭目或貴族的傳家之寶與婚聘重禮,僅在五年祭或頭目結婚時的重要場合才會配戴,其所穿綴的大型流璃珠均有其特別含意及名稱,且配戴頸飾的琉璃珠個數更是頭目的財富、地位與權勢強弱的指標。 此外,琉璃珠飾亦用於治癒與占卜,且有賜福的靈力 ,每顆珠子也會有不同的名字、性別與傳說,其排列位置亦有特定的形式。 "