簡介:" 排灣族傳說其祖先為陶壺所生,百步蛇為排灣人之祖先與守護神,故壺肩飾有百步蛇與乳狀突起的古陶壺,是盛裝琉璃珠、供祭拜的尊貴神器,僅少數頭目或貴族才有,外人嚴禁觸碰;其次,僅有百步蛇浮雕之陶壺亦為彰顯頭目或貴族地位的神聖尊貴寶物;再者為飾有陰刻之菱形紋、三角紋與同心圓紋飾之古陶壺,也是頭目或貴族家中相當神聖的器物。 陶壺在排灣族的信仰文化與社會階級中,具有特殊的象徵與地位,亦即唯有位高權重的貴族才配擁有陶壺,且僅於重要祭儀或婚禮上,方能由頭目或貴族取出展示、祭拜;排灣族古陶壺由長嗣繼承,分家時會敲下口緣一角交由次子女等作為家族信物,以象徵分享其身分與地位,而尊貴的陶壺絲毫不會因為有了缺口而損及其既有的價值。 PaiwanCeramic pots Ethnology原住民民族誌標本排灣陶壺T he Paiwan believe that the tribe was born from a ceramic pot. The Deinagkistrodon acutus is believed to be the ancestor and protector of the Paiwan. Old pots decorated with these snakes or with breasts, were sacred items that were only owned by chiefs or aristocrats and ordinary people were forbidden to touch. Pots decorated with Deinagkistrodon acutus alone were sacred and were status symbols owned just by the chiefs and higher classes. Pots decorated with triangles etc pattern were also sacred and exclusive to chiefs and higher class people. Ceramic pots have great symbolic value in Paiwan culture and would only be displayed during important ceremonies or weddings. The pots would be inherited by the eldest son and the other siblings given a piece broken from the pot mouth to serve as their family's sacred object."