簡介:" 「katin」這種型製的衣著,中文通常稱為綁腿,早先的用意是在工作時保護腳部不被草所割傷。在男子的衣飾上,綁腿是從小腿部一直延伸到腰部,一般也稱為後敞褲。而女子的綁腿則只在小腿的部分。 男子在青年級「bansalane」級時,可以開始穿著綁腿,女子自成為少女「vulavulayang」之後,儀式服裝中就必須穿著綁腿。 以往的綁腿之功能,是在工作場合中保護腿部之用,所以製作的方式應以動物皮製成,但現在則多以刺繡的方式裝飾,成為華麗而不可或缺的卑南族傳統服飾。PuyumaLeg wraps Ethnology卑南綁腿原住民民族誌標本In early days the katin leg wraps were used as protection against the legs being cut by grass and thorns when working. The leg wraps extended from the lower leg up to the waist. Female leg wraps were only worn on the lower leg. Young men could begin warning katin at the bansalene stage. After girls reached the vulavulayang stage, they had to wear leg wraps as part of their ceremonial clothing. Leg wraps were used to protect the legs so they were mostly made from animal skin in the past. Today they are mostly ci xiu embroidered cloth and have become a fancy and essential feature of Puyuma traditional clothing."